San Francisco, United States

About San Francisco

Experience the vibrant heartbeat of San Francisco. From the iconic Golden Gate Bridge to the bustling streets of Chinatown, this city offers a range of experiences. Indulge in fresh seafood at Fisherman's Wharf, explore the eclectic neighborhoods, and soak in breathtaking views from atop Twin Peaks.

Community ratings






San Francisco highlights

Average temperature in March

17 °C / 63 °F

High season months

May, June, July, August, September, October

Local currency

United States dollar (USD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • San Francisco International Airport (US) - 18.2 km (11.3 mi)
  • Metropolitan Oakland International Airport (US) - 18.6 km (11.6 mi)
  • Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport (US) - 63.4 km (39.4 mi)
  • Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport (US) - 88.1 km (54.8 mi)

Fun fact

Alcatraz Island near San Francisco, originally a prison, is now a popular tourist attraction.

Popular hotels in San Francisco

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