Dallas, United States

About Dallas

Experience the dynamic spirit of Dallas, a modern metropolis where Southern hospitality meets urban sophistication. Dive into world-class museums, enjoy diverse culinary delights, and catch thrilling sports events. Dallas offers a vibrant arts scene and lush, sprawling parks, making it a must-visit destination.

Community ratings






Dallas highlights

Average temperature in March

22 °C / 72 °F

High season months

April, May, August, September, October

Local currency

United States dollar (USD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Dallas Love Field (US) - 8.6 km (5.3 mi)
  • Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (US) - 25.1 km (15.6 mi)
  • William P Hobby Airport (US) - 377.6 km (234.6 mi)

Fun fact

The first chain convenience store in the US, 7-Eleven, started in Dallas 1927.

Popular hotels in Dallas

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