Sedona, United States

About Sedona

Experience the majestic beauty of Sedona, nestled among striking red rock formations that inspire awe at every turn. Explore the vibrant arts scene, indulge in spiritual wellness retreats, and set out on scenic trails perfect for hiking and biking. Sedona is an enchanting escape for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Community ratings






Sedona highlights

Average temperature in March

14 °C / 57 °F

High season months

March, April, May, September, October, November

Local currency

United States dollar (USD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Flagstaff Pulliam International Airport (US) - 33.3 km (20.7 mi)
  • Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (US) - 159.7 km (99.3 mi)

Fun fact

Sedona's red sandstone formations glow orange and red at sunset.

Popular hotels in Sedona

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