Havana, Cuba

About Havana

Discover Havana, where time seems to stand still amidst colorful colonial architecture and classic cars. Stroll along the historic Malecón, feel the rhythm of salsa in lively cafes, and soak in the city's rich cultural heritage at every corner. Havana captivates with its vibrant arts scene, its deep-rooted history, and the warm, welcoming spirit of its people.

Community ratings






Havana highlights

Average temperature in March

28 °C / 82 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Cuban peso (CUP)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • José Martí International Airport (CU) - 17.0 km (10.6 mi)
  • Juan Gualberto Gomez International Airport (CU) - 95.1 km (59.1 mi)

Fun fact

Havana is the birthplace of the daiquiri cocktail.

Popular hotels in Havana

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