Panama City, Panama

About Panama City

Panama City, a vibrant metropolis at the crossroads of the Americas, offers a compelling mix of modern skyscrapers and historic colonial structures in its Casco Viejo district. Witness the engineering marvel of the Panama Canal, an essential waterway that has shaped global trade routes. Indulge in the city's lively dining and nightlife scenes, and soak up the rich cultural tapestry, all set against a backdrop of tropical landscapes and bustling urban life.

Community ratings






Panama City highlights

Average temperature in March

33 °C / 91 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Panamanian balboa (PAB)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Marcos A. Gelabert International Airport (PA) - 4.4 km (2.7 mi)
  • Tocumen International Airport (PA) - 17.6 km (10.9 mi)

Fun fact

It is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific and set on the Atlantic.

Popular hotels in Panama City

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