Warsaw, Poland

About Warsaw

Warsaw offers a compelling mix of history and modernity. Explore the meticulously reconstructed Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, or take in the cutting-edge museums and thriving arts scene. From the royal splendors of Lazienki Park to the moving history of the Warsaw Uprising Museum, Warsaw is a city that celebrates resilience and renewal at every turn.

Community ratings






Warsaw highlights

Average temperature in March

9 °C / 48 °F

High season months

May, June, July, August, September

Local currency

Polish złoty (PLN)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Warsaw Chopin Airport (PL) - 7.8 km (4.9 mi)
  • Modlin Airport (PL) - 34.3 km (21.3 mi)

Fun fact

Warsaw is known as the “Phoenix City” due to the number of times it has been destroyed and risen again.

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