Vail, United States

About Vail

Experience the winter wonder of Vail, Colorado’s premier ski destination, renowned for its expansive back bowls and meticulously groomed trails. Beyond skiing, explore Vail Village, designed in charming Alpine style, where you can shop upscale boutiques or dine at gourmet restaurants. Summer transforms the landscape, offering hiking, golfing, and the celebrated Bravo! Vail music festival.

Community ratings






Vail highlights

Average temperature in March

3 °C / 37 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

United States dollar (USD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Eagle County Regional Airport (US) - 46.1 km (28.6 mi)
  • Denver International Airport (US) - 147.9 km (91.9 mi)

Fun fact

The town hosts the annual Burton US Open Snowboarding Championships.

Popular hotels in Vail

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