Caracas, Venezuela

About Caracas

Caracas is a city of contrasts, where towering modern architecture meets the lush green expanses of El Ávila National Park. This vibrant capital of Venezuela boasts a rich cultural scene, from world-class art at the Museum of Contemporary Art to lively salsa clubs that pulse into the night. Discover the warmth of its people and the flavorful local cuisine as you explore its bustling streets and colorful markets.

Community ratings






Caracas highlights

Average temperature in March

32 °C / 90 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Venezuelan bolívar soberano (VES)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Simón Bolívar International Airport (CO) - 801.8 km (498.2 mi)

Fun fact

The Central University of Venezuela, located in Caracas, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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