Bucharest, Romania

About Bucharest

Discover Bucharest, Romania's bustling capital, where ancient history meets modern energy. Lose yourself in the charming Old Town's cobblestone streets, vibrant cafes, and lively atmosphere. From its stunning architecture to its vibrant nightlife and delicious cuisine, Bucharest offers a unique European adventure filled with surprises at every corner.

Community ratings






Bucharest highlights

Average temperature in March

13 °C / 55 °F

High season months

May, June, July, August, September

Local currency

Romanian leu (RON)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Băneasa International Airport (RO) - 7.5 km (4.6 mi)
  • Henri Coandă International Airport (RO) - 15.1 km (9.4 mi)

Fun fact

Bucharest has a unique building, the Circular Library, resembling an open book.

Popular hotels in Bucharest

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