Paraty, Brazil

About Paraty

Escape to Paraty, where Brazil's lush rainforests meet the Atlantic's sparkling waters. Wander through Paraty's historic center, a car-free zone where 17th-century architecture mingles seamlessly with exotic plants and brightly painted doorways. Delight in boat tours that whisk you away to nearby islands and secluded beaches, and immerse yourself in local traditions with vibrant music and art scenes.

Community ratings






Paraty highlights

Average temperature in March

31 °C / 88 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March

Local currency

Brazilian real (BRL)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Rio Galeão – Tom Jobim International Airport (BR) - 156.7 km (97.4 mi)
  • Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport (BR) - 180.5 km (112.1 mi)

Fun fact

The historic center of Paraty is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Popular hotels in Paraty

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