Shenzhen, China

About Shenzhen

Explore the dynamic city of Shenzhen, a vibrant hub of innovation and creativity in southern China. Marvel at its futuristic skyline adorned with towering skyscrapers like the Ping An Finance Center. Dive into the bustling electronics markets, indulge in delectable Cantonese cuisine, and experience the unique blend of tradition and modernity that defines this fast-growing metropolis.

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Shenzhen highlights

Average temperature in March

24 °C / 75 °F

High season months

October, November, December, January, February

Local currency

Chinese yuan (CNY)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport (CN) - 27.1 km (16.9 mi)

Fun fact

The city is known as China's Silicon Valley for its tech industries and innovation.

Popular hotels in Shenzhen

Experiences you might like in Shenzhen

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