Zurich, Switzerland

About Zurich

Zurich combines a vibrant urban life with stunning natural scenery. Explore the picturesque lanes of the Old Town with its medieval buildings and the upscale Bahnhofstrasse for world-class shopping. The city is renowned for its innovative culinary scene and lively cultural festivals. Nestled by the beautiful Lake Zurich and framed by the Alps, it offers a unique mix of outdoor activities and city comforts.

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Zurich highlights

Average temperature in March

11 °C / 52 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Swiss franc (CHF)

Local language

German, French, Italian, Romansh

Closest Airports

  • Zürich Airport (CH) - 9.3 km (5.8 mi)

Fun fact

Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse is one of the world's most exclusive shopping streets.

Popular hotels in Zurich

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