Hakodate, Japan

About Hakodate

Discover Hakodate, a charming port city at the southern tip of Hokkaido, known for its spectacular night views from Mount Hakodate and its rich history. Stroll through the star-shaped Fort Goryokaku, visit the morning market for fresh seafood, and enjoy the city's unique blend of Eastern and Western architectural styles.

Community ratings






Hakodate highlights

Average temperature in March

7 °C / 45 °F

High season months

June, July, August

Local currency

Japanese yen (JPY)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Hakodate Airport (JP) - 7.7 km (4.8 mi)

Fun fact

The Hakodate Tropical Botanical Garden features a hot spring foot bath with monkeys.

Popular hotels in Hakodate

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