Langkawi, Malaysia
About Langkawi
Discover the enchanting island of Langkawi, a tropical paradise known for its stunning white-sand beaches and lush rainforests. Explore the crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs, or take an exciting cable car ride to the peak of Gunung Mat Cincang for breathtaking views.
Community ratings
Langkawi highlights
Average temperature in March
33 °C / 91 °F
High season months
November, December, January, February, March
Local currency
Malaysian ringgit (MYR)
Local language
Malay, English
Closest Airports
- Langkawi International Airport (MY) - 8.9 km (5.5 mi)
Fun fact
Langkawi is made up of 99 islands during high tide and 104 islands during low tide.