Belgrade, Serbia

About Belgrade

Belgrade, a city with a lively spirit and deep historical roots, invites visitors to explore its storied past and energetic present. Wander through the ancient Belgrade Fortress for panoramic views, delve into vibrant street art, and unwind in Ada Ciganlija's beach-like atmosphere. Belgrade's mix of charming cafés and cultural diversity makes it a captivating destination that pulses with authenticity.

Community ratings






Belgrade highlights

Average temperature in March

14 °C / 57 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Serbian dinar (RSD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (RS) - 11.7 km (7.2 mi)

Fun fact

Belgrade was rebuilt over 40 times in its history due to battles.

Popular hotels in Belgrade

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