Lanzarote, Spain

About Lanzarote

Embark on a journey to Lanzarote, the volcanic gem of the Canary Islands, where unique landscapes meet serene beaches. Delight in the island's artistic heritage through the works of César Manrique, or dive into the warm, inviting waters ideal for snorkeling and surfing.

Community ratings






Lanzarote highlights

Average temperature in March

24 °C / 75 °F

High season months

July, August, October, December

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Lanzarote Airport (ES) - 10.9 km (6.8 mi)

Fun fact

Lanzarote has vineyards producing wine grown in volcanic soil.

Popular hotels in Lanzarote

Experiences you might like in Lanzarote

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