Auckland, New Zealand

About Auckland

Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, offers a stunning mix of urban and natural landscapes. Climb the volcanic cones for panoramic views, sail across the vibrant Waitematā Harbour, or indulge in the thriving culinary scene. Known as the "City of Sails," Auckland is a gateway to beautiful islands and beaches, providing an ideal blend of adventure and relaxation.

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Auckland highlights

Average temperature in March

23 °C / 73 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March

Local currency

New Zealand dollar (NZD)

Local language

English, Māori

Closest Airports

  • Auckland International Airport (NZ) - 17.9 km (11.1 mi)

Fun fact

Auckland's Waiheke Island is known for its vineyards and olive groves.

Popular hotels in Auckland

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