Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

About Riyadh

Explore Riyadh, the dynamic capital of Saudi Arabia, where tradition meets modernity in a desert landscape. Discover its rich heritage at the National Museum and the historic Masmak Fortress. Indulge in upscale shopping and dining experiences amidst the city's sleek skyscrapers. Riyadh is a gateway to both the past and the future, offering a unique blend of experiences.

Community ratings






Riyadh highlights

Average temperature in March

29 °C / 84 °F

High season months

November, December, January, February, March

Local currency

Saudi riyal (SAR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • King Khaled International Airport (SA) - 35.5 km (22.0 mi)

Fun fact

The Edge of the World, near Riyadh, offers dramatic cliff views overlooking the desert.

Popular hotels in Riyadh

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