Mali Lošinj, Croatia

About Mali Lošinj

Mali Lošinj, a gem on Croatia's Adriatic coast, is renowned for its clear blue waters and fragrant pine forests. Explore the charming harbor, visit the Museum of Apoxyomenos, and relax on stunning beaches like Čikat Bay. Known for its health tourism and vibrant marine life, Mali Lošinj offers a rejuvenating and picturesque getaway.

Community ratings






Mali Lošinj highlights

Average temperature in March

15 °C / 59 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Pula Airport (HR) - 59.1 km (36.7 mi)
  • Rijeka Airport (HR) - 76.6 km (47.6 mi)
  • Zadar Airport (HR) - 84.2 km (52.3 mi)
  • Zagreb Airport (HR) - 184.1 km (114.4 mi)

Fun fact

Mali Lošinj is known as the Island of Vitality due to its healing climate.

Popular hotels in Mali Lošinj

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