Sozopol, Bulgaria

About Sozopol

Sozopol captivates with its ancient history and beautiful beaches. Wander through the cobbled streets of the Old Town, visit the fascinating Archaeological Museum, and relax on the sandy shores of Harmani Beach. Known for its vibrant cultural festivals and scenic beauty, Sozopol offers a delightful and memorable seaside escape.

Community ratings






Sozopol highlights

Average temperature in March

12 °C / 54 °F

High season months

June, July, August

Local currency

Bulgarian lev (BGN)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Burgas Airport (BG) - 22.4 km (13.9 mi)
  • Varna Airport (BG) - 91.1 km (56.6 mi)

Fun fact

Sozopol is known for its charming wooden houses from the 18th century.

Popular hotels in Sozopol

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