Utrecht, Netherlands

About Utrecht

Utrecht enchants visitors with its picturesque canals, vibrant cultural scene, and rich history. Climb the iconic Dom Tower for panoramic views, explore the lively wharfs filled with cafes and shops, and enjoy the city's warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Community ratings






Utrecht highlights

Average temperature in March

11 °C / 52 °F

High season months

April, May, June, July, August

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (NL) - 34.4 km (21.4 mi)
  • Rotterdam The Hague Airport (NL) - 49.1 km (30.5 mi)

Fun fact

Utrecht hosts the largest bike parking lot in the world, with space for 12,500 bikes.

Popular hotels in Utrecht

Experiences you might like in Utrecht

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