Tallinn, Estonia

About Tallinn

Tallinn, the charming capital of Estonia, is like stepping into a fairy tale with its medieval Old Town, cobblestone streets, and towering spires. Explore centuries-old churches, wander through colorful markets, and indulge in hearty Estonian cuisine. Don't miss the opportunity to climb the historic city walls for panoramic views, and experience the blend of ancient and modern that makes Tallinn truly unique.

Community ratings






Tallinn highlights

Average temperature in March

3 °C / 37 °F

High season months

June, July, August, December

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport (EE) - 5.6 km (3.5 mi)

Fun fact

Tallinn's medieval walls, stretching 2 km, have 26 watchtowers and date back to the 14th century.

Popular hotels in Tallinn

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