Lech Zürs, Austria

About Lech Zürs

Lech Zürs, located in Austria’s Arlberg region, is renowned for its world-class skiing and picturesque alpine charm. With over 300 kilometers of pristine slopes, it offers exceptional skiing for all levels. Enjoy luxurious accommodations, gourmet dining, and a sophisticated après-ski scene. Lech Zürs' stunning landscapes and exclusive ambiance make it a top choice for an unforgettable winter escape.

Community ratings






Lech Zürs highlights

Average temperature in March

-3 °C / 27 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Friedrichshafen Airport (DE) - 71.5 km (44.4 mi)
  • Innsbruck Airport (AT) - 90.7 km (56.4 mi)
  • Zürich Airport (CH) - 124.0 km (77.1 mi)
  • Munich Airport (DE) - 178.0 km (110.6 mi)

Fun fact

Lech Zürs hosts the legendary "White Ring" ski race.

Popular hotels in Lech Zürs

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