St. Louis, United States

About St. Louis

Discover the vibrant charm of St. Louis, a city where the iconic Gateway Arch welcomes you to a world of rich history, exciting sports, and delicious cuisine. Stroll through picturesque Forest Park, home to top-notch museums and the famous St. Louis Zoo. Savor the unique flavors of local barbecue and toasted ravioli, and experience the lively music scene that echoes the city’s soulful roots.

Community ratings






St. Louis highlights

Average temperature in March

13 °C / 55 °F

High season months

June, July, August

Local currency

United States dollar (USD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • St Louis Lambert International Airport (US) - 20.5 km (12.8 mi)

Fun fact

St. Louis was the first American city to host the Olympics.

Popular hotels in St. Louis

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