Ocho Rios, Jamaica

About Ocho Rios

Ocho Rios captivates with its lush rainforests, stunning waterfalls, and golden beaches. Climb the famous Dunn's River Falls, explore the vibrant local markets, and swim with dolphins at Dolphin Cove. With its mix of natural wonders and lively Jamaican culture, Ocho Rios promises an unforgettable getaway for all travelers.

Community ratings






Ocho Rios highlights

Average temperature in March

28 °C / 82 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Jamaican dollar (JMD)

Local language

English, Jamaican Patois

Closest Airports

  • Norman Manley International Airport (JM) - 62.2 km (38.6 mi)
  • Sangster International Airport (JM) - 86.1 km (53.5 mi)

Fun fact

The first James Bond film, "Dr. No", was filmed here.

Popular hotels in Ocho Rios

Experiences you might like in Ocho Rios

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