San Andrés, Colombia

About San Andrés

San Andrés is a tropical paradise known for its stunning white-sand beaches, like the famous Playa Spratt Bight, and crystal-clear turquoise waters. This Colombian island offers vibrant coral reefs at Johnny Cay and the Sea of Seven Colors, perfect for snorkeling and diving. Explore the unique cultural blend of Afro-Caribbean and Latin influences, indulge in fresh seafood at local restaurants, and visit the iconic Morgan's Cave for a taste of pirate legends.

Community ratings






San Andrés highlights

Average temperature in March

30 °C / 86 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Colombian peso (COP)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport (CO) - 1.1 km (0.7 mi)

Fun fact

The island has a unique ecosystem called the "sea of the seven colors," where the ocean displays different shades of blue and green.

Popular hotels in San Andrés

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