Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

About Sarajevo

Sarajevo, a city where East meets West, offers a captivating blend of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian architectures. Wander through bustling bazaars, visit poignant historical sites, and relax in cozy coffee houses that echo centuries of diverse cultures. Sarajevo is a city of resilience and beauty, inviting you to discover its rich history and warm hospitality.

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Sarajevo highlights

Average temperature in March

12 °C / 54 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark (BAM)

Local language

Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian

Closest Airports

  • Sarajevo International Airport (BA) - 5.4 km (3.3 mi)

Fun fact

Sarajevo's pigeons are famous, known as a symbol of peace in the city.

Popular hotels in Sarajevo

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