Byron Bay, Australia

About Byron Bay

Byron Bay, Australia's coastal paradise, boasts pristine beaches like Wategos and Tallow, and breathtaking sunsets from the Cape Byron Lighthouse. Surf the legendary waves at The Pass, explore the lush hinterlands of Minyon Falls, or relax in luxurious wellness retreats.

Community ratings






Byron Bay highlights

Average temperature in March

27 °C / 81 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March

Local currency

Australian dollar (AUD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Ballina Byron Gateway Airport (AU) - 21.8 km (13.6 mi)
  • Gold Coast Airport (AU) - 53.9 km (33.5 mi)

Fun fact

The town has a unique solar-powered train, a green travel option.

Popular hotels in Byron Bay

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