Sayulita, Mexico

About Sayulita

Discover the vibrant charm of Sayulita, known for its excellent surfing at Playa Sayulita, colorful streets filled with art galleries, and the lively Mercado del Pueblo. Enjoy fresh seafood at beachfront restaurants, explore lush jungles on ATV tours, and soak up the sun on its stunning beaches.

Community ratings






Sayulita highlights

Average temperature in March

25 °C / 77 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March

Local currency

Mexican peso (MXN)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Puerto Vallarta International Airport (MX) - 29.2 km (18.1 mi)

Fun fact

The town's warm waters and consistent waves make it an ideal destination for surfers of all levels.

Popular hotels in Sayulita

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