La Paz, Mexico

About La Paz

Discover La Paz, renowned for its beautiful beaches like Balandra Beach and vibrant marine life in the Sea of Cortez. Stroll along the scenic Malecón, visit the Whale Museum, enjoy fresh seafood at local restaurants, and soak in the relaxed atmosphere of this charming destination.

Community ratings






La Paz highlights

Average temperature in March

27 °C / 81 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March

Local currency

Mexican peso (MXN)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Manuel Márquez de León International Airport (MX) - 9.2 km (5.7 mi)
  • Los Cabos International Airport (MX) - 125.3 km (77.9 mi)

Fun fact

Archaeological treasures from as far back as 11,000 BCE have been found around the area of La Paz.

Popular hotels in La Paz

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