Santa Barbara, United States

About Santa Barbara

Experience the elegance of Santa Barbara, a coastal city known for its stunning Mediterranean architecture and scenic beauty. Relax on the beautiful beaches, explore the historic Santa Barbara Mission, and stroll through the vibrant shops and eateries of State Street.

Community ratings






Santa Barbara highlights

Average temperature in March

19 °C / 66 °F

High season months

June, July, August

Local currency

United States dollar (USD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Santa Barbara Airport (US) - 13.0 km (8.1 mi)
  • Los Angeles International Airport (US) - 130.1 km (80.8 mi)

Fun fact

Santa Barbara has a rare "torrey pine" forest, one of only two such forests in the world.

Popular hotels in Santa Barbara

Experiences you might like in Santa Barbara

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