Sofia, Bulgaria

About Sofia

Welcome to Sofia, where Eastern mystique intertwines with Western allure. Stroll through the cobbled streets of the historic center, adorned with Byzantine and Ottoman treasures, then delve into its vibrant cultural scene at the National Palace of Culture. Indulge in traditional Bulgarian cuisine at local taverns, and don't miss the awe-inspiring Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, a symbol of the city's rich heritage.

Community ratings






Sofia highlights

Average temperature in March

12 °C / 54 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Bulgarian lev (BGN)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Sofia Airport (BG) - 7.3 km (4.6 mi)

Fun fact

The city's thermal mineral water springs have been used for centuries for their healing properties.

Popular hotels in Sofia

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