Marmaris, Turkey

About Marmaris

Set sail to Marmaris, a lively resort town along Turkey's Turquoise Coast famed for its stunning marina and vibrant nightlife. Nestled between pine-clad hills and crystal-clear waters, Marmaris offers a mix of relaxing beach days and adventurous water sports. Explore the historic castle, indulge in fresh Mediterranean cuisine, and discover nearby ancient ruins for a perfect blend of relaxation and exploration.

Community ratings






Marmaris highlights

Average temperature in March

16 °C / 61 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Turkish lira (TRY)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Dalaman International Airport (TR) - 48.7 km (30.2 mi)

Fun fact

Marmaris' ancient amphitheater, dating back to the Hellenistic period, still hosts events.

Popular hotels in Marmaris

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