Cannon Beach, United States

About Cannon Beach

Cannon Beach offers a picturesque escape with its stunning coastal views and iconic Haystack Rock looming just offshore. This charming Oregon seaside town is perfect for those who love the outdoors, featuring miles of sandy beaches and scenic hiking trails. Explore the quaint boutiques and cozy eateries, or simply soak up the tranquil, natural beauty that Cannon Beach is celebrated for.

Community ratings






Cannon Beach highlights

Average temperature in March

11 °C / 52 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

United States dollar (USD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Astoria Regional Airport (US) - 30.5 km (18.9 mi)
  • Portland International Airport (US) - 111.0 km (69.0 mi)

Fun fact

Cannon Beach was named after a cannon that washed ashore from a shipwreck in 1846.

Popular hotels in Cannon Beach

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