Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia

About Saint Lucia

Escape to Saint Lucia, a tropical paradise where majestic Piton Mountains meet crystal-clear Caribbean waters. Unwind on its golden beaches, dive into vibrant coral reefs, and soak in luxurious natural hot springs. With its lush rainforests and vibrant local culture, Saint Lucia offers a serene yet adventurous getaway for all who visit.

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Saint Lucia highlights

Average temperature in March

29 °C / 84 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Eastern Caribbean dollar (XCD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • George F. L. Charles Airport (LC) - 12.5 km (7.7 mi)
  • Hewanorra International Airport (LC) - 19.7 km (12.3 mi)

Fun fact

Saint Lucia has a rare species of parrot, the Saint Lucia parrot, found nowhere else.

Popular hotels in Saint Lucia

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