Lima, Peru

About Lima

Step into the vibrant city of Lima, where the past and present merge seamlessly under the Peruvian sun. Explore rich history in the heart of the city at Plaza Mayor or indulge in Lima's world-renowned culinary scene, a fusion of flavors that's a feast for the senses. With its stunning coastal views and bustling markets, Lima offers a colorful, culturally rich experience for every traveler.

Community ratings






Lima highlights

Average temperature in March

28 °C / 82 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Peruvian sol (PEN)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Jorge Chávez International Airport (PE) - 9.6 km (5.9 mi)

Fun fact

The world's largest fountain complex is in Lima's Parque de la Reserva.

Popular hotels in Lima

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