Bogota, Colombia

About Bogota

Bogotá offers a rich blend of colonial history and contemporary culture. Wander the cobbled streets of La Candelaria, the city's historic heart, view world-class art at the Museo Botero, or take a cable car up Monserrate for stunning views of the sprawling city below. With its vibrant street art, bustling markets, and lively dining scene, Bogotá is a dynamic gateway to Colombian heritage and modernity.

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Bogota highlights

Average temperature in March

27 °C / 81 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March

Local currency

Colombian peso (COP)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • El Dorado International Airport (CO) - 8.8 km (5.5 mi)

Fun fact

Bogotá sits at an altitude of over 8,600 feet, making it one of the highest capital cities in the world.

Popular hotels in Bogota

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