Búzios, Brazil

About Búzios

Welcome to Búzios where pristine beaches and charming cobblestone streets await. Dive into crystal-clear waters for snorkeling or simply unwind on the sandy shores. Explore the vibrant nightlife and eclectic dining scene, making Búzios the perfect blend of relaxation and excitement for travelers.

Community ratings






Búzios highlights

Average temperature in March

30 °C / 86 °F

High season months

November, December, January, February, March

Local currency

Brazilian real (BRL)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Rio Galeão – Tom Jobim International Airport (BR) - 139.8 km (86.9 mi)

Fun fact

The town offers excellent opportunities for snorkeling and diving in crystal-clear waters.

Popular hotels in Búzios

Experiences you might like in Búzios

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