Florianópolis, Brazil

About Florianópolis

Explore Florianópolis, a gem that boasts stunning beaches, a lively cultural scene, and lush green mountains. Known as the "Magic Island," it offers a perfect mix of outdoor activities and urban entertainment, from surfing on pristine waves to exploring eclectic markets. Florianópolis captures the heart with its natural beauty and warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Community ratings






Florianópolis highlights

Average temperature in February

29 °C / 84 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March

Local currency

Brazilian real (BRL)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Hercílio Luz International Airport (BR) - 8.1 km (5.0 mi)

Fun fact

Florianopolis is known for having one of the highest quality of life in Brazil.

Popular hotels in Florianópolis

Experiences you might like in Florianópolis

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