Kyoto, Japan

About Kyoto

Welcome to Kyoto, where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with contemporary charm. Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of historic temples like Kinkaku-ji and Fushimi Inari Shrine, surrounded by stunning gardens and cherry blossoms. Wander through quaint streets lined with traditional machiya houses, savoring the essence of Japan's cultural heart.

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Kyoto highlights

Average temperature in March

16 °C / 61 °F

High season months

March, April, May, October, November, December

Local currency

Japanese yen (JPY)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Osaka International Airport (JP) - 39.0 km (24.3 mi)
  • Kansai International Airport (JP) - 80.9 km (50.3 mi)

Fun fact

Kyoto has over 2,000 temples and shrines, more than any other city in Japan.

Popular hotels in Kyoto

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