Chiang Mai, Thailand

About Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai offers a serene blend of culture, history, and nature. Surrounded by lush mountains and ancient temples, this city is celebrated for its tranquil atmosphere and rich heritage. Wander through the night markets, savor aromatic Thai cuisine, and explore the nearby elephant sanctuaries. Chiang Mai is a captivating escape that embodies the spirit of traditional Thai life.

Community ratings






Chiang Mai highlights

Average temperature in March

37 °C / 99 °F

High season months

November, December, January, February, March

Local currency

Thai baht (THB)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Chiang Mai International Airport (TH) - 3.4 km (2.1 mi)

Fun fact

Chiang Mai is home to more than 10 different national parks.

Popular hotels in Chiang Mai

Experiences you might like in Chiang Mai

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