Pattaya, Thailand

About Pattaya

Pattaya, Thailand's vibrant coastal city, beckons with its lively beaches and buzzing nightlife. Dive into aquatic adventures with world-class diving spots and water sports galore. When the sun sets, the city transforms, offering bustling night markets, lively shows, and endless dining options. Pattaya is a dynamic blend of excitement and relaxation, all set against the backdrop of a stunning Gulf of Thailand shoreline.

Community ratings






Pattaya highlights

Average temperature in March

32 °C / 90 °F

High season months

November, December, January, February

Local currency

Thai baht (THB)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • U-Tapao International Airport (TH) - 31.3 km (19.5 mi)
  • Suvarnabhumi Airport (TH) - 84.1 km (52.3 mi)

Fun fact

Pattaya’s Floating Market is one of the largest man-made floating markets in the world.

Popular hotels in Pattaya

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