Krabi, Thailand

About Krabi

Welcome to Krabi, where limestone cliffs meet crystal-clear waters. Dive into the emerald pools of the Than Bok Khorani National Park or unwind on the powdery shores of Railay Beach. With thrilling rock climbing spots and serene island-hopping adventures, Krabi is a tropical paradise for every traveler.

Community ratings






Krabi highlights

Average temperature in March

35 °C / 95 °F

High season months

November, December, January, February, March

Local currency

Thai baht (THB)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Krabi Airport (TH) - 8.7 km (5.4 mi)

Fun fact

Krabi is home to the bioluminescent plankton, glowing magically at night in the water.

Popular hotels in Krabi

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