Breckenridge, United States

About Breckenridge

Breckenridge is a charming mountain town known for its world-class ski resort, historic Main Street, and vibrant arts scene. In winter, enjoy powdery slopes and cozy après-ski spots. In summer, explore scenic hiking trails, mountain biking, and lively festivals.

Community ratings






Breckenridge highlights

Average temperature in March

1 °C / 34 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

United States dollar (USD)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Eagle County Regional Airport (US) - 124.4 km (77.3 mi)
  • Denver International Airport (US) - 124.9 km (77.6 mi)

Fun fact

Breckenridge hosts a world-renowned snow sculpture contest.

Popular hotels in Breckenridge

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