Sun Peaks, Canada

About Sun Peaks

Sun Peaks is a picturesque alpine village known for its family-friendly atmosphere and diverse outdoor activities. In winter, enjoy skiing on three mountains, Nordic trails, and a charming European-style village with cozy restaurants and shops. Summer brings hiking, mountain biking, and the scenic 18-hole Sun Peaks Golf Course.

Community ratings






Sun Peaks highlights

Average temperature in March

23 °C / 73 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Canadian dollar (CAD)

Local language

English, French

Closest Airports

  • Kamloops Airport (CA) - 43.9 km (27.3 mi)
  • Kelowna International Airport (CA) - 109.3 km (67.9 mi)

Fun fact

The Sun Peaks area averages over 2000 hours of sun a year.

Popular hotels in Sun Peaks

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